The complications due to gout

Right from the time of ancient Greece, arthritis (gout-feudal system) has been dubbed the "King of the disease" by the disease not only affects motor skills but also cause many complications, hurt other parts of the body, severe effects to the health of the patient.

According to statistics, gout (also called the feudal system) make up 1-2% of the population in the developed countries and the fourth largest among 15 common joint disease in our country. Characterized by the sudden onset of gout, swelling, heat, redness, pain in certain joints (the most common is in the forefoot capture rate of about 70%) and may be accompanied by mild fever. If not treated promptly, or improper patient
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There are many types of common complications in the treatment of gout. First of all, if not treated promptly, the recurrent bouts of acute gout often causes injury to the joint, restricted mobility, long eventually becomes chronic pain, formation of tophi Bureau deposited in your joints and may cause the patient to the handicapped. When the grain of tophi break ulcers, bacteria invade the joints, causing arthritis, infections, blood infections. In addition, in patients with gout, uric acid concentrations as high as to damage the blood vessels, kidneys, which can lead to hypertension, kidney stones, kidney failure is more severe and dangerous to life. On the other hand, gout is misdiagnosed with a number of other diseases (infectious arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.) leads to the wrong treatment and allergy medication or complications such as duodenal ulcers, osteoporosis, ... In the case of proper diagnosis, doctors are often indicated for patients taking the drug, medicine colchicin meglumine group analgesic anti-inflammatory, ... However, these medicines are easy to cause side effects such as diarrhea, allergies, toxic liver, kidneys ...

Given the difficulty of treatment and complications of gout, many doctors and patients are choosing natural origin products without causing side effects. Go for this trend is the Royal Lifestyle System for functional food. The main ingredient is inclusion helps to increase uric acid is eliminated and many herbal remedies like Morinda, territories,, ..., the product has the effect of reducing symptoms, treatment and complications caused by induced gout. The prestige of the Feudal System was confirmed through studies, scientific conferences on national and increasingly many doctors and patients.

Gout treatment requires the patient to patient compliance with treatment of physician, taking on Royal aviation System, make a reasonable diet (limiting foods high in purines, reduce fat, eat more vegetables ...), beer, drink plenty of water and avoid strenuous labor.

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